ENTCS requires that papers published in the series be prepared using LaTeX using the macro files we have created. This assures that the entire series maintains the uniform format we have devised. ENTCS does not publish papers prepared using word processing software.
Authors of papers which are to appear in upcoming volumes of ENTCS
should utilize the ENTCS macro files that have been specially prepared
for use with ENTCS. While these style files were derived from
Elsevier's elsart files, there are significant differences.
- The first step is to download the generic ENTCS package,
which contains files common for all volumes in ENTCS. These include
several examples, as well as instructions on how to use the LaTeX
styles files, and how to produce a .pdf file, which is the required
format for the final version of papers that are published on line. The
package also contains a generic form of the file entcsmacro.sty.
- Note: We have recently updated the generic ENTCS Macro package
so that 9pt font is the default. Please download a new copy of the generic package in order to utilize this new font size. (18 September 2018)
- The
second step is to obtain the prentcsmacro.sty file that pertains to
your particular proceedings. This Table lists each upcoming volume
of ENTCS, with links provided to the copies of the prentcsmacro.sty file for each issue or volume. This file should be downloaded and renamed to entcsmacro.sty, replacing the version that is part of the generic package.
- You should use the file example.tex as a template for your paper, being sure to include key words where indicated in the frontmatter section.
- You also should not
use any formatting commands that alter the ENTCS style definitions.
This includes the format of Definitions, Lemmas, Theorems, etc., as
well as the spacing that is defined by the ENTCS Macros.
For each
conference or workshop, we have included the name and email address of
the main contact(s) for the meeting in question. If problems are
encountered, authors should contact this person first about how to
resolve them. If necessary, questions will be passed on to me.
When you have completed your preliminary version, send a copy of the
files to the Guest Editor of your proceedings, who will prepare the
preliminary version.
H.-Peter Gumm has kindly provided some macro files for Guest Editors to use in preparing the preliminary version of the proceedings of their workshop for local printing. The macros are self-explanatory and straightforward to utilize.
Some Issues Concerning the ENTCS Macro Files
There are some problems that authors and Guest Editors may experience with the LaTeX style files that are used in preparing ENTCS volumes. Here are some answers to help troubleshoot common problems:
- I have written a short guide which describes what software you need to create dvi, PostScript and pdf files using LaTeX that have active hyperlinks, and how to view them online. I recommend that you browse this file before proceeding.
- The files require the hyperref package that is distributed with recent versions of LaTeX. If you have the package, but you experience complaints that the command \hypergetpagenumber
is undefined, then your version of the hyperref package is out of date.
You need version 6.69d or later; this version became available in
March, 2000. You can download the newest version of this package by
consulting the CTAN Web Site.
- If you find that pdfLaTeX
doesn't work, then you may not have a recent enough version. You need
version 0.14d or later. You can find both source files for building
your own version, and prebuilt binaries for the latest version of pdfTeX at the CTAN Web Site.
- If you find that LaTeX complains about the package ifpdf (or any other package that is called by the ENTCS macros, then you should look on the CTAN archive to locate it.
If you experience troubles other than these, please contact me at entcs AT math.tulane.edu and we'll see if we can't get them resolved.